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Master craftsman exams – acquiring secondary vocational education

The Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia has been performing master craftsman exams since 2000 for 52 titles of a master craftsman. Master craftsman exams are performed for the majority of occupations in short supply for which no regular secondary education programme is on offer. The obtained title of a master craftsman is an excellent opportunity for getting a job in any respective profession and a competitive edge for enterprises because the brand of a Master emphasises mastery and quality of products or services.
Other advantages of a Master Craftsman title include:
  • Acquiring secondary vocational education.
  • Possible continued education on institutions of higher vocational education after taking the exams missing to a vocational maturity examination.
  • Meeting the educational condition for training secondary school students.
  •  A condition for performing the craft activity if so stipulated by the Decree determining craft activities and craft-like activities.
  • Obtaining the right to act as construction supervisor in accordance with the Construction Act.

Craftsman exams