The Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia also links its members by activity. Thirty professional sections (successors of guilds) and two committees have been established for that purpose.
- Building Cleaners Section
- Car Mechanics Section
- Cement Makers, Stonecutters and Terrace Makers Section
- Chimneysweepers Section
- Construction Section
- Cosmeticians Section
- Craft Associations Section
- Domestic Arts and Crafts Section
- Electricians Section
- Electronics and Mechatronics Section
- Energy Installations Section
- Florists and Gardeners Section
- Flooring Section
- Food Producers Section
- Funeral Services Section
- Glass Makers Section
- Goldsmiths and Jewellers Section
- Hairdressers Section
- Metal Processing Section
- Opticians Section
- Painting and Paperhanging Section
- Photographs Section
- Plastics Section
- Printing Section
- Retailers Section
- Skin Processing Section
- Textile Makers Section
- Textile Maintainers Section
- Tinsmiths and Roofers Section
- Tourism and Catering Section
- Transport Section
- Wood Section
Tasks of sections:
- monitor the conditions of work and business of its members and perform a number of activities to improve them (quality, standardisation, introducing modern technologies etc.);
- propose amendments to the legislation and represent the interests of members of the section in negotiating industry-wide collective agreements;
- promote common interests of members in bodies of the Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia and other institutions;
- provide for regular and supplementary professional training of its members, joint promotional activities and respect for good business customs and promote rational use of energy and protection of the environment.