EU projekt »Povečanje reprezentativnosti MSP organizacij za učinkovitejši socialni dialog« (ioreSME) se je začel avgusta 2022 in se bo zaključil avgusta 2024.
Zbornica malih in srednjih podjetij iz Malte je koordinator konzorcija, Obrtno-podjetniška zbornica Slovenije pa eden od sedmih partnerjev. Drugi partnerji so Confartigianato-Imprese (Italija), Geniki Synomospondia Epaggelmation Viotechnon Kai Emporon Elladas (Grčija), Unie van Zelfstandige Ondernemers (Belgija), Confederazione Nazionale dell Artigianato e della Piccola e Media Impresa (Italija) in SMEunited (Belgija).
Cilj projekta je dvigniti ozaveščenost in dati prepoznavnost dejavnosti/funkciji/odgovornosti delodajalskih organizacij MSP v EU ter spodbujati njihovo vlogo kot socialnih partnerjev. Poleg tega je cilj tega projekta podpreti vse partnerske delodajalske organizacije, ki sodelujejo v konzorciju, da postanejo močnejše, reprezentativnejše in vplivnejše organizacije delodajalcev.
S tem projektom si bo konzorcij prizadeval bolje razumeti potrebe članstva, poleg tega pa bo dobil potrebna orodja in vire za ozaveščanje MSP, zlasti z oblikovanjem predloga za kampanjo, ki je enostavno prilagodljiva in jo lahko brez težav sprejmejo tudi drugi socialni partnerji.
Namen projekta je tudi povečati zmogljivost nacionalnih socialnih partnerjev, skupaj z medpanožnimi socialnimi partnerji, zlasti po krizi zaradi covida, z namenom zagotavljanja ustrezne zastopanosti in sodelovanja v EU semestru, nacionalnem načrtu za okrevanje in odpornost ter socialnem dialogu na ravni EU (s sodelovanjem v SMEunited Odboru za socialne zadeve).
Namen je tudi obveščati MSP o pobudah in spodbudah EU, povezanih z evropskim stebrom socialnih pravic in zelenim dogovorom EU ter socialnim partnerjem zagotoviti, da povečajo zastopanost in s tem dodatno okrepijo socialni dialog in zastopanost v EU.
Kontaktni podatki:
mag. Maja Rigač, e-naslov:
Projekt je sofinanciran s strani Evropske unije.
EU Project »Increasing SME Organisations Representativeness for more Effective Social Dialogue« (ioreSME) has started in August 2022 and will end in August 2024.
The Malta Chamber of SMEs is a coordinator of the consortium, the Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia is one of the 7 partners. Other partners are Confartigianato-Imprese (Italy), Geniki Synomospondia Epaggelmation Viotechnon Kai Emporon Elladas (Greece), Unie van Zelfstandige Ondernemers (Belgium), Confederazione Nazionale dell Artigianato e della Piccola e Media Impresa (Italy) and SMEunited (Belgium).
The objective of the project is to raise awareness of and give visibility to the activity/function/responsibility of SME employer organisations in the EU and foster their role as social partners. Additionally, this project aims to support Malta Chamber of SMEs and partner organisations to become a stronger and more representative and impactful employer organisation.
Through this project the consortium will aim to understand better how to best remain relevant with members and also be given the necessary tools and resources to outreach SMEs. This in particular through the creation of a template campaign which is easily adaptable and can be easily adopted by other social partners.
The Project also aims to increase the capacity of National Social Partners together with cross industry social partners, specifically following the covid crisis with the aim of ensuring proper representation and contribution in the EU Semester, the National Recovery and Resilience plan and also social dialogue on an EU level through the participation in the SME United Social Affairs Committee.
This project aims to keep SMEs informed on EU initiatives and incentives related the the European Pillar on Social Rights and the EU Green Deal.
This project aims to ensure that social partners increase representation thus further strengthening social dialogue and representation in the EU.
Maja Rigač, e-naslov:
Project is co-founded by European Union.